
Hi everyone. As you can guess from the title I am a dad. I have two children who, at the time of writing this, are both under 5. I am also older than the average dad which sometimes makes me feel like I don’t fit in with most dads. And yes I am grumpy. I am grumpy about most things and this is probably something I will explore as time goes on. I do not intend to upset or cause offence to anybody and if for any reason I do upset you or cause you offence please let me know gently and politely and I will do what I can to put things right.

I want to use this blog to explore myself and the world I find myself in. I have Asperger Syndrome and suffer from anxiety and depression and these things have long hindered my life and way I view things. As such I want a relatively safe space to explore these things. I know that if I chose just to keep a diary I wouldn’t do it. I know that I need to share things with others but I do not like speaking to people. Therefore I think this might be an ok place for me to do the things I want and I hope it will improve my life and that of my family. If someone else out there gains any benefit from reading this blog then that will be a massive bonus. In the meantime let’s journey together and see where this crazy ride takes us.

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