
I am a dad to two young children but I am staring 50 in the face. I was brought up in London in the 70’s but people who know me think I might as well have been brought up in the 50’s as that was more the era my parents were used to. I had a very sheltered upbringing and never mixed with other people. I never had any real friends at school or outside of it and I still struggle to make friends now.

I find it very hard to know how to bring my children up. I want them to be as normal as possible, whatever that means, but as I don’t know how to live a “normal” life I have no idea how I can help and guide them to. Thankfully I have a wonderful wife who is much better at all that than I am and I am very proud of all of them. The one thing she doesn’t know how to change is me but them nobody does.

I recently had the beginnings of an official diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome after more than three years of going through the process. I have no idea how long I will still need to wait for the formal diagnosis let alone be able to access any help or support. I really need help to understand how this affects my life and those around me and what I can do to change things. I am also very fearful as to whether my children have inherited the worse side of genes.

I am writing this blog to be able to share my thoughts and feelings for my own benefit and so that others who read it might be able to offer me some support or advice or even be able to take something from it for themselves.

Thank you for visiting, feel free to say hi and may peace and blessings be with you.

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