Need to let go.

If there is one thing more than anything else that I need to learn to do it is to let go of things. So often something relatively simple will happen to me during the day that most people would just shrug off without batting an eyelid at but for me it will cause me stress and anxiety and I will end up replaying the incident over and over again in my head which just makes things worse and worse. If only I could just let the incident go, forget about it and move on with my day. I am quite sure that my life would be much simpler and far less stressful If I could. The problem is I just don’t know how to do it.

No matter how much I try I just can’t seem to persuade my brain to do the right thing. It just doesn’t seem to be wired that way. In fact that is the big issue I think. My brain simply isn’t wired the right way. However that raises a much bigger question. What is the right way for any brain to be wired? If all brains were wired the same way then we would be nothing but one being in billions of bodies which would make the world a much worse place to live in than it already is. Therefore there must be differences between different people and the way their brains work but what and how? Not only do I wish I had the answer to this enigma I also wish I had the relevant coding to reprogram myself. I suppose that must be in some form or other what DNA sequencing is trying to work towards although I admit I have no real clue about that sort of thing.

If I was being kind to myself I would say that the reason I struggle to let go of things is that I care too much. I care about how the situation was experienced by the other person, whether they understood me properly, whether I interpreted what they said properly, whether my actions were appropriate and proportionate. The best I can really hope for is that if I learn from any situation it will improve the way I deal with things and interact with people in the future. Sadly that rarely seems to happen and I simply fail to realise that the past has happened and I cannot change the past. I simply need to let go!

If anyone has any good advice about how I can deal with this type of thing please do leave me a message. It would be good to be able to change.

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